Sunday, February 13, 2011

Oh I love Brazil!

Last month, I was on a beach in Brazil (YES I did spend the holidays there!) and I was wondering... If you dig a hole in the sand... What will be at the other end?!
Everyone has this idea one day! (Generally when you are 8 or so) When you are passionate about advertising, you always try to imagine how any concept or idea could be use in a commercial!

Well, I think that the marketing manager of the brazilian beer SKOL was on the same beach and heard my thoughts... Just watch their new commercial:

Does anyone know if this concept had ever been used in a commercial before? I'm just curious!

I have always like Brazilian commercials, because they are funny but never cross the line where consumers forget what the product/service is. SKOL does not disappoint me here! Another thing that I like is when the concept of the commercial goes out our TV and involve consumers. Watch what the SKOL marketing team set up on a Brazilian beach, always to surprise and please its consumers!

PS: I'm jealous that this was not the beach where I was...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Great idea and design do not need words!

This is going to be a short post.
This new campaign for Viagra has been created by M&C Saatchi.
Do I need to say more? You will see the world differently now!

Monday, January 17, 2011

You Love Pizza? I Love Marketing

I personally like when marketers use a new support to communicate. I think that pizza boxes have never been well used by marketers.

There is so much to do!!

With the sloggan "Don't let your dinner breath become your morning breath", Colgate shows some initiative. The idea of the open box reprensenting inside a mouth is well done. However, I think that the marketing team could have gone further with this idea. Maybe with a different sloggan, something such as "You do not want to keep this pizza in your mouth until tomorrow" - Sorry but I am not a copywriter. This is just to present the idea, please don't pay attention to the words!

Do not get me wrong here, I think that the actual sloggan would be great for a traditional campaign.

Of course, I think that this a great occasion for some sample distribution. As often, it depends of the budget.

If anyone has other pizza boxes examples, please send them to me! I would love to see more.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Instant Christmas Recycler by Volkswagen

A car brand that communicates about the respect of the environment.. Really?
The « Instant Christmas Recycler » created by Volkswagen is a magic box that turns plastic bottles and newspapers into Christmas Tree decorations.

If you are as excited of me about trying this... Sorry but it is only in Milan!
Maybe more locations to come for next year


A little post to apologize for abandoning this blog...
The last 4 months were pretty insane and I did not have time to make any good post! My internship at Crispin Porter & Bogusky kept me busy.

Resolution for 2011:
I promise to bring this blog back to life!!

Until then, you can follow me on Twitter @cindysatta for some news and posts about the advertising industry (and more)

Happy Holidays

Sunday, August 22, 2010

How to make a brand going up... Marketing Elevators

We are all aware than we do not pay attention to billboards anymore. Marketers are always looking for a way to catch our attention by placing campaigns where we don't expect them. The new idea: elevators. The fact that they open/close makes them a "dynamic" support. Creatives use it to grow their imagination.

Here are some of my favorites:

Saturday, August 21, 2010

How our life would be without coffee?!

Campaigns for coffee often used the fact that it keeps you awake... Nescafé has also used this for its new campaing in Peru! You would say "nothing new!" but you should first look at this brilliant creative work.McCann Erikson Lima implies that without Nescafé - or coffee in general - products that had changed our lives could not exist.

These designs are very smart. We can recognize the product - iPhone, Converse or New Beatle- at the first sight. The link with coffee itself is also obvious.
I am wondering if they had to ask for a permission to use the visual of those well-know products - especially for the Iphone!

"At Dawn, the best ideas may not seem to be"

"When sleepy, the best ideas may not seem to be"

"At 3 am, the best ideas may not seem to be"

I am having a hard time trying to figure out with one I prefer... What is yours?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Apparently, bringing Social Media out of the web is trendy... Let's see what we have!!

T-Mobile wanted to show that you can access to your favorite website from everywhere... to promote its Domino Net offer.
Here is the result: A huge "wall" has been set up in downtown Budapest.
People who comment on the Facebook page for this event, can see their posts writing on this wall. They could also follow the construction of the wall thanks to a livestream on the Facebook page.

You all know how much I like unusual use of media. Billboards are a great inspiration!

However, T-Mobile is not the first to have this idea!!
Diesel had created an outdoor social network, called FacePark as part of its Be Stupid campaign. Watch this video... And you will regret that you were not in Dublin on June 20th !!

I love the Diesel event, which go perfectly with its campaign with Fiat 500 "Disconnect form Facebook" - previous post

I also want to mention the campaign for the Canadian Tourism Comission. They wanted to catch Americans' attention, visibly always too busy! They installed giant interactive walls in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. They showed all the Tweets posted mentioning Canada!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Disconnect from Facebook... not from my blog ;)

Here is my personal favorite campaign for now...

In september 2008, Diesel has launched a campaign for the Diesel style limited-edition Fiat 500
I'm not sure this model exists in the US...
The theme is to get people disconnect from Facebook and live their real life! Why another brand hasn't think about this before? I LOVE it
They invite people to switch their office chair for a seat in the Fiat 500.

Enjoy and freedom are the main ideas of this campaign, which correspond to the positioning of both Diesel and Fiat.. that's what I call a successful partnership!

No need for long talk about this... enjoy watching ;)

MotherLand by Coca-Cola

In 2006, Coca-Cola has launched its energy drink called Mother in Australia and New Zealand. I am still wondering the reason of this geographic target... The goal was to compete with Red Bull, so why they did not launch it in the US? Maybe this was a test-launch.. which quite failed!
I believe that the gap between the positionning as a all-natural drink targeted to young men and the brand identity with a gothic/tatto styke can didn't help to make it successful.

After some marketing researches, Coca Cola admitted that the failure of Mother Energy Drink was due to the bad quality of the product itself. I'm still convinced that the marketing didn't help...

After a couple of attempts to reformulate and relaunch the product, Coca-Cola is now trying to reinforce the image of the product.

The new TV commercial takes place in MotherLand, a fictional theme park where Men can act before they think... Of course at the end they just blow everything up!
I think when do not need a special place to act like that... Have you ever meet one who think before acting anyways? haha

Dear men in need of thrills... You know what you have to drink now! Well, first you'll have to move to Australia or New Zealand :)

The target audience is well define through this spot... ENJOY !!